New fall designs have been added to my Etsy shop. Please take a look! I have been working more diligently this fall. Inspiration is back! The above flower will be added to the shop once I finish the photos.
Summer has come to an end. Too soon! But the cooler air and fall colors bring on a whole new refreshed feeling. Above is a photo from my new potting shed. My husband built me a little area out of some unused space on the side of our house. A perfect space to get creative!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Beautiful lily that my friend bought for me from a flower girl making her rounds at the local bar. I usually don't find them too impressive. But this is a beauty!
This is my new bloom. I plan to create more of this flower. I want to make one that will properly fit into this "specimen" box with out pressing into the window of the box too much. Mission!
Monday, February 11, 2008
These are the boxes they will be packaged in. Time consuming work! I learned to make boxes while working at a museum gift shop in college. They were made of recycled Christmas cards, mine are pages from an old animal anatomy book that the library was discarding.
Wow! What a busy past few days! The Late Winter series of flowers are now complete and ready to be boxed up. Here are a few photos of my progress.
Beetle & bloom is in the process of creation. I have a set of blooms that are getting final touches made to them, and finishing a few other details with the design as a whole. I wanted to get this up and running- so i can soon start adding life to it! Good night....